Re: Using preformatted text or excluding preformatting text as an exception to no two dimensional scrolling as failure for Reflow 1.4.10

Alastair Campbell wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Going back to the original question, that was a placeholder indicating 
> we think there’s a technique there. Dissecting the exact wording it 
> not helpful at this stage, it hasn’t been drafted.
Thanks Alastair thats helpful (and all for contributions). I guess, I am 
trying to understand the intent, but appreciate that in its current 
draft trying to unpick it may not be useful.

I guess, the issue with having placeholder techniques, when there may be 
little existing techniques for any given SC can be confusing for people 
who are looking for 'how to' advice.



> There is a core question about whether information is lost when 
> typical ‘pre’ content is wrapped, and if there are reasonable 
> techniques for overcoming that information loss.
> Wayne outlined the use-case, Patrick outlined some possibilities.
> It needs someone to take it on and write up, OR, perhaps it would be 
> better to create a positive technique for wrapping code snippets?
> E.g. Technique: Using CSS pre-wrap to allow code examples to wrap.
> People could supplement that with some of the methods Patrick 
> outlined, but that’s a good start, and doesn’t have the issues with 
> having to apply to all-possible content (that the failure does).
> I opened an issue for pre-wrap for our own specs a while ago:
> Just need to get around to adding that to the techniques/understanding 
> CSS.
> Cheers,
> -Alastair

Joshue O Connor
Director |

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 08:54:31 UTC