RE: Understanding doc 1.4.11, updates

> I know it's much more involved, but: could we just mock up some of these examples as actual live examples (i.e. "THIS is the sort of thing I mean this covered by the SC or not?")

The new doc has quite a few in, and here are some others that came up during the github / webaim threads:

1. Boundaries

Examples 7, 10, 12a, 16. 

2. "States do not have to be differentiated within the component"

Jared did some examples of button hover styles here: 
I did something similar for focus styles: 

NB: List of potential link states: 

3. "Functional / value states do require differentiation via ‘adjacent’ background."

Examples 2 (if it were actual tabs), 13, 17.

Other examples welcome...

Also, a better way of terming "functional states" would be great. A way to differentiate link-only states (visited) from those which convey a value in the name/role/value sense like checkboxes.


Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2018 12:38:55 UTC