RE: What to work on next

Hi David,

Not disagreeing, but just to add emphasis to your own points:

> This incubation work is lower priority than the primary deliverable (WCAG 2.1).

“Incubation” does mean no official deliverable (until re-chartering). We could get it pretty much ready, re-charter and go through the publishing process, but that is a ways off.

> Once we get the understanding and technique documents for 2.1 in reasonable shape

Let’s not underestimate this! It would really help to have some focus on this for the next couple of months, I’ve had questions already along the lines of “when are the techniques coming?”

> Once we get the understanding and technique documents for 2.1 in reasonable shape I think we should focus over on Silver for several months before the end of this charter.

That is certainly an option on the table, we’ll pick up the decision process shortly.

As I said the factors on my mind are:

  *   How many potential SCs could we have for  a 2.2?
  *   How long will it take to get Silver ready as an equivalent spec.

There are probably other factors, but as suggested previously, let’s agree the requirements as the starting point.



Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 22:37:18 UTC