Re: Use of ARIA to satisfy 'Identify common purpose' SC

Hi Josh,

If applied to inputs (as the SC requires), that would over-ride the visible label, which is probably not what you intended?

It would also fall afoul of the new SC “Label in name”, unless the visible label happened to be included.

Perhaps you meant the more general “Identify purpose” at AAA?

If so, I think that would be a method, but you’d have to be careful it wasn’t overriding the AccName. In practice, I think it would have to match a public vocabulary, the understanding needs a bit of fleshing out there as I can’t point you to one yet.

There was a thought to apply general explanations to certain elements, but it went down the route of “programmatically determined”, so needs to be machine readable.



From: Joshue O Connor - InterAccess

Hi all,

To follow on from the (very useful but long) previous thread on this.
I've a simple question. Can we suggest the use of ARIA  labels etc  satisfy the 'Identify Purpose' SC?

Something like:

<div id="A widget that does x" role="region" aria-label="Useful description of that purpose">

Joshue O Connor
Director |

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 10:36:47 UTC