Re: Updates to Understanding 1.4.11

> Perhaps we can have this added to the agenda for Tuesday? (Chairs?)

Sure, item 3 is about 1.4.11.

Jonathan Avila wrote:
after re-reading the language of the exception “or where the appearance of the component is determined by the user agent and not modified by the author” you are right that we say “component” and not the state indicator”.   So in the case where the author changes the background color of a button they are changing the component and thus the exception no longer applies.  I’m not sure this was the intention of the group or not.
From my recollection, it was similar to one of the other SC (target size) where we were saying that if you don’t change the focus style then it doesn’t apply.

As PatrickL brought up for target size: that is hard to pin down. E.g. Changing the font-size of a parent element will change the target size of a link/button. In this case, changing the background

From an SC text point of view, if anything counts as a change to the component then the user-agent exception will never happen, it only makes sense if it specific to the thing being changed.

That does mean the examples on Adrian’s site about blue backgrounds behind blue focus oulines are a problem, but a difficult one to get around as different UAs have different colours, that isn’t under author control.



Received on Monday, 4 June 2018 16:34:24 UTC