Re: My action Items

That’s great, thanks David.

A quick note on github process (for everyone): it would be best to create branches from, and merge requests to the document’s branch.

E.g. for updates to non-text-contrast, create the branch from the non-text-contrast branch, and the pull request back to non-text-contrast.

Once the group is happy with those drafts, we (ahem, probably Michael) will merge those branches into master.

It looks like we’re making good progress overall, but there are still a few items needing review for anyone else who’s looking:



From: David MacDonald

I had action items to review status messages, character keys understanding docs, I have done that. I've made a few minor edits and grammar and typo fixes, I've created pull requests on the Master Branch. I've also created a pull request to remove a sentence that was repeated in the not text contrast SC.

David MacDonald

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 10:56:48 UTC