Popup interference reborn

This criterion has been significantly revised and accepted by the Low Vision Task Force. New criterion language with a completely rewritten description, and other pertinent sections is in place. Please take a fresh look if you commented previously.

You can view & comment on GitHub here: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/75

And here's the new SC language for reference:

"Except where popup presentation is controlled by the user agent, all of the following are true when popup content is visible:

*       Trigger: Popup content does not obscure any part of its triggering content.

*       Hover: If a popup is triggered via pointer hover, then the pointer may be moved onto the popup content without loss of visibility.

*       Focus: Popup content remains visible while any of its components, including the trigger, have focus."

Where we define popup as "content which becomes visible only on focus or pointer hover".


PS - This one had been assigned to Wayne, so with his deserved retirement I'm happy to take on its management.


Received on Friday, 28 July 2017 17:28:31 UTC