Re: mock u[p page for issue tracking

I’m struggling to see how this is better than the github issue page?
(Not a rhetorical question, I think I must be missing something?)

As a commenter I’m not clear where / how I should comment, editing the document to add a comment seems strange. (And open to abuse, especially if linked from a public place like the WCAG 2.1 draft).

As an SC manager, the length of document would become totally unmanageable after some public comments, especially if the versions are in the same page. I assume we’ll get more comments from the public than we did from the working group?  Imagine 100 pages of comments…

If we used a google doc as one of the ‘nice reading’ formats (as per my email last night), I think it would need to be locked-down from other people editing it, and link through to github for comments.

As it stands now each reviewer creates one or more new comments (issue) per SC, and that should be much easier to deal with in the github interface because they can be assigned, tagged, replied to and closed.



From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: Thursday, 16 March 2017 at 17:30

This is actually quite similar to the GitHub issue with comments, except I believe:

  1.  The google doc has an index (which needs to be manually created and maintained)
  2.  The google doc has shifted the order of the content so when a new draft version of the SC is available then that version and the comments on it rise to the front of the page rather than being ordered chronologically
Is there more to it than that? I’m asking because I’m trying to understand what makes this better…


Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Standards and Accessibility

From: "<>" <<>>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 10:57
To: WCAG <<>>
Cc: Michael Cooper <<>>
Subject: mock u[p page for issue tracking
Resent-From: WCAG <<>>
Resent-Date: Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 10:58

I made a mock up page for how we could track success criteria comments<>

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn<>, Twitter<>

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2017 18:06:11 UTC