process for second pull request

For doing a second pull request I suggested to coga the following process (because none of us knew what to do)

Please let us know today if anything here is incorrect.
(changes are in bold)

 Develop a pull request on GitHub containing the new wording.Fork the WCAG21 repository to your own GitHub account
Create a branch off of the Master branch (use a logical name for the branch, e.g. "Accessible authentication version 2 ”)
Open the directory "guidelines" in your new branch
open index. html , press the edit box
navigate to the right guideline and  issert the following  with the SC text in the following mark up
<section class="sc">
<h4> </h4>
<p class="conformance-level">AA</p>
Navigate to the glossary and add any new glossary  items (hopefully in the right place)  
Save and create the pull request for the Master branch.

When the Pull request is made:Provide the link to the first  pull request with some text along the lines of "this is a second pull request in response to the comments from the pull request at ...)
Provide the link to the original issue in the pull request comments as well.
 Provide the link to the second pull request  from the first pull requet
ll the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2017 18:44:09 UTC