- From: David MacDonald <david100@sympatico.ca>
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 09:08:31 -0400
- To: WCAG <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAAdDpDYYBy8eub_OZxR=vw3CkmB_KHURhkmegKsLKpN2x7LpEQ@mail.gmail.com>
I think we need to drop the 2 year refresh cycle for dot releases commitment from the charter. We are currently working under the WCAG 2 document structure for the dot releases. This structure provides for stable normative technology agnostic Success Criteria that are not frequently updated, along with non normative techniques that are frequently updated to keep up with the advancements of technology. I think 4 to 5 year cycle is the appropriate ballpark time frame for refresh of the SCs. The techniques can be frequently updated every 6 months with the help of EO. I don't recall much dissatisfaction about WCAG being out of date by stakeholders regarding a WCAG2 update until about 6 years after the release of WCAG 2. Blogs started talking about it around 2014. I don't think our stakeholders are expecting new SCs every 2 years. What they want is up to date guidance which can be provided in Techniques which hang off the stable SCs. I'm concerned we don't have the bandwidth for updates every 2 years. I'm afraid legislators around the world will question the stability of the standard if we refresh every two years. Cheers, David MacDonald *Can**Adapt* *Solutions Inc.* Tel: 613.235.4902 LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmacdonald100> twitter.com/davidmacd GitHub <https://github.com/DavidMacDonald> www.Can-Adapt.com <http://www.can-adapt.com/> * Adapting the web to all users* * Including those with disabilities* If you are not the intended recipient, please review our privacy policy <http://www.davidmacd.com/disclaimer.html>
Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2016 13:09:04 UTC