Report from Silver sub-group on the Options for Designing Silver

The Silver Sub-group volunteered to figure out how to design the process 
for the design of Silver.  We have been meeting twice a week since 
mid-July.  We created four different options for the process of 
designing Silver based on different goals.  We expect that the WCAG WG 
will prefer one option over the others, but there may be some 

Each of the options has the same structure and goes through the same 
Phases: Discovery (research), Interpretation (Analysis), Ideation 
(creating ideas), Experimentation (producing and testing prototypes), 
and Production (starting Silver). The difference between the options is 
the way the different methods are implemented.  For more detail on the 
Phases and Methods see this wiki page:

The Options:

1)  Design Driven Option (still being written up):  This is the group of 
methods best oriented toward producing the best research and data-driven 
decisions for the design of Silver.

2) Faster Progress Option:  This is the group of methods best oriented 
toward producing Silver most expeditiously.

3) Greatest Flexibility Option:  This is the group of methods that will 
provide a flexible design that will adapt to changing future needs.

4) Lowest Cost/Minimum Resources Option:  This is the most constrained 
option, but may be the reality that we need to deal with.

* Comparing the Options:  A spreadsheet with an overview of the 4 
options and how they differ.

They are all linked from the Silver wiki home page, which is linked from 
the WCAG wiki home page.

This is a lot of reading, so the Silver sub-group wanted WCAG WG to have 
this material before TPAC to have time to absorb the material and be 
ready for discussion at TPAC. We will be discussing the proposals on 
Tuesday of the WCAG Face-to-Face meeting.

We are still working on some of the wiki pages, and we will announce 
when we have made major changes to the pages. Please start with the 2) 
Faster Progress and the 3) More Flexibility options, as they are the 
most developed.

Discussion on this thread is welcome.

Jeanne Spellman
Skype: jeanne_spellman

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 14:34:00 UTC