RE: Should we drop any WCAG 2 SCs in 2.1?

Ø  I don't see how I can ever fail someone on 1.4.2 anymore, thanks to James pointing this out.  If we are looking to not cause SC bloat with the new SCs, perhaps we can make a new category for SCs which have been largely overcome by advances in User Agents etc... which still apply to 2.1 but are folded away somewhere so 2.1 is not bloated with SCs that developers don't need to worry about.

I respectfully disagree with you David.  Carrying around a physical keyboard with my iPhone so I can press control+M to mute audio is not acceptable.


From: David MacDonald []
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 4:58 PM
To: John Foliot
Cc: WCAG; Jeanne Spellman; James Nurthen
Subject: Re: Should we drop any WCAG 2 SCs in 2.1?

I agree it would be difficult to drop anything and make make 2.1 backward compatible, unless an SC has been overcome by events, and is automatically met.

A candidate might be...

1.4.2 audio control, because user agents are implementing a way to mute a tab without muting system audio. On Firefox Control+M mutes any sound coming from the page and allows the screen reader to read the page. The SC says "a mechanism is available" so now its available in a major browser... and will soon be in all browsers (hopefully). But for WCAG one stack is enough.

I don't see how I can ever fail someone on 1.4.2 anymore, thanks to James pointing this out.  If we are looking to not cause SC bloat with the new SCs, perhaps we can make a new category for SCs which have been largely overcome by advances in User Agents etc... which still apply to 2.1 but are folded away somewhere so 2.1 is not bloated with SCs that developers don't need to worry about.

David MacDonald

CanAdapt Solutions Inc.
Tel:  613.235.4902



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On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 2:05 PM, John Foliot <<>> wrote:
Hi David,

I don't think I'm understanding the question - I can't see how we could remove a SC from a WCAG 2.1 and preserve a backwards-compatible path to 2.0.

Again, WCAG is about content requirements AFAIK, and while techniques and patterns can come and go, the principles and Success Criteria remain, and I would be concerned about dropping a Success Criteria simply on the basis that newer technologies seemingly make it easier to achieve any individual Success Criteria. That, in and of itself, would not justify removing a requirement in my mind (only make it simpler for content authors to meet the Success Criteria).

Can you elaborate more please?  Thanks.


On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 12:00 PM, David MacDonald <<>> wrote:
On today's mobile call Jeanne brought up an important consideration as we make the WCAG 2.1. If 2.1 seems much longer than 2.0 we may be facing resistance to the new version. It came up in the context of the question about whether we should try to roll new SCs into the existing SCs where possible, or introduce new SCs.

But I think the issue raises another question.

Are there any SCs that have been overcome sufficiently by the environment, OS, User Agents etc. that we can remove them without breaking the acceptance requirement of WCAG 2.1 that meeting it also meets 2.0?

David MacDonald

CanAdapt Solutions Inc.
Tel:  613.235.4902<tel:613.235.4902>



  Adapting the web to all users
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John Foliot
Principal Accessibility Strategist
Deque Systems Inc.<>

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Received on Monday, 18 July 2016 14:45:33 UTC