Re: Changing definition of "Large text" to use px rather than pt

On 25/04/2016 21:10, Wayne Dick wrote:
> I did make a mistake.  I used dpi instead of resolution. DPI would do it
> for absolute size, but monitor resolution doesn't.
> I will make constructions to test the parameters you suggest.
> As we finish our style picker this summer we will include a method to
> enter the monitor size. Calculating an absolute font size from monitor
> size and resolution is not too difficult.  Most monitors are very close
> to 30/60/90 triangles relative to the diagonal.

Intrigued. Is this a style picker for authors to implement (optionally?) 
on their site to allow end users to explicitly specify their preference 
for text sizing?

It probably approaches a similar concern from the opposite end, but: 
ages ago I built a fairly rough and ready "ideal viewport calculator" 
which, based on actual device pixels, screen diagonal, and average 
viewing distance, spits out the ideal viewport a device/UA should use in 
order to achieve a CSS pixel size that comes close to the reference 

If, however, the idea is for this style picker to be used by authors to 
craft their CSS, then obviously I'd warn about the fact that authors 
can't query the physical monitor size of their various users' devices, 
so can't write conditional CSS / media queries to catch them all. But I 
suspect your picker is aimed at the former, rather than the latter.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 25 April 2016 20:31:43 UTC