Re: 1.3.1 question

Moving beyond the immediate "should ARIA landmarks (or any other 
specific technique) be required" distraction, the one aspect I think 
does have some merit (regardless of how it's achieved, technically): on 
medium/complex pages/applications, is it important that users can easily 
understand the macro-structure of the page? That meaningful regions such 
as the header, main content, footer, sidebar, etc are somehow 
identified? Currently, I don't believe this is explicitly called out in 
the normative wording of 1.3.1 (at least not in so many words). This 
would be a change/modification/addition to the normative 1.3.1 that I 
think warrants discussion. The question of HOW that would then be 
sufficiently satisfied (be it with generic ARIA regions, landmark 
regions, <section> and a heading, a whole in-page skip link menu, 
whatever) is a different (non-normative) discussion.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 14:08:30 UTC