Reviewing issues from Post-WCAG list

We discussed on the last call getting a review of the aggregated post-WCAG 2.0 ideas, comments, and issues going so that we can use this information as a tool as we define the extension requirements and as we ultimately define the extensions.  So far we have about 6 people who have volunteered to assist.  We need more!

What we need group participants to do:

1)      Go to

2)      Find the rows that you'd like to review for the individual comments (please choose 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-31 - ideally we will have two people for each group of 5).

3)      Click edit on the wiki page and add your name to the first column.  You may need to look at how other wiki rows are marked to keep the wiki markup correct.  Since others may be editing the page at the same time, try to make your edits quickly and save to avoid clashes.

a.       If you can't edit due to permissions, let Michael, Josh, or me know.

4)      We also need people to look at the articles that are in the second table on the page.

a.       Assign one article to yourself

b.      Read the article/blog post and for each actionable item or suggestion, add a row to the first table.  You don't need to solve the problem, just get it on the first table.

c.       Indicate what rows were added to the first table in the appropriate cell.

Thank you!


Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Accessibility
Adobe Systems<>

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2015 15:48:29 UTC