[html-techs-tf] Minutes from July 23, 2012

See below for the minutes from today's meeting. I neglected to ask 
rrsagent to make the minutes so these are from the IRC log. Please reply 
with any corrections.

Thanks to Adam for scribing.

Also - note that example 38 from 
http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/example/38/ looks to be a good live 
example around which we can build a variety of techniques.

<jamesn> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Technique_Template
james: techniques need to be complete  (test, etc.)
james: see above link for guidelines on how to create technique
<Loretta_> See also http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Technique_Instructions
jon: difficulty involved in aria testing for test procedure
james: criterion for passing test doesn't necessarily involve 
technology-specific testing, such info might appear in user agent notes
loretta: discussed having complete standalone aria examples - jon's 
examples might be useful for that
jon: could start with role="button"
james: that's 4.1.2
<marcjohlic> http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA1
<Joshue> +1 to Marc
marc: we have existing aria techniques (advisory) - see link above
<Joshue> That's a good basis at least..
james: they are a bit old
loretta: someone should review them and update if necessary - perhaps 
upgrade to sufficient
loretta: existing technique is pretty simple and the example is long, 
once they get long people won't read them
loretta: if we have standalone live examples, we could trim the 
technique code down in size
loretta: first step in workflow is getting the whole, live examples created
loretta: need page to host the code
james: link could allow source downloading, should host on w3c site
james: jon has open-ajax examples - could we reference them?
<marcjohlic> Location of Flash example: 
james: replicate them to w3c site
jon: no problem with replication of open ajax examples
<Joshue> Thanks Jon
jon: I can package whole examples to transfer for the group's use
<jongund> http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/examples/
<jongund> http://hanshillen.github.com/jqtest/#goto_slider
james: concern over adding jquery examples
joshua: at least talk to hans to see if we can use his examples
james: test needs to be testable w/o jquery dependency
<marcjohlic> Looks like there is already a working examples directory 
for ARIA1: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/working-examples/ARIA1/
action: joshua to investigate hans' examples
<Joshue> I'll ping Hans
<jamesn> http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/example/3/
james: let's start with (above link) for button example
james: technique for 1.1.1?
jon: two types of buttons in example 3
loretta: possible technique for state
jon: using jquery here for functionality
james: could write standard javascript to replace the jquery code
jon: difference between buttons and links - often mixed up - screen 
reader users can miss buttons because of this
jon: wcag might provide guidance when to use button or link
loretta: this type of failure is not relevant to aria
james: link instead of button - failure for 4.1.2?
adam: widespread ramifications for failing link instead of button
loretta: techniques are mapped to success criteria, aria presents new 
tools for meeting these criteria, aria example would generally encompass 
many criteria. and we need a way to present a complete coherent example
james: what about silverlight examples?
loretta: we should pick set of live examples, where the techniques show 
a snippet of a live example and point to that example for reference
james: simple examples better than production-ready code
loretta: jon most familiar with examples - should search for best set of 
examples to work with
jon: techniques for focus management?
loretta, james: tabindex, active-descendant
<Zakim> -Jon_Gunderson
<jamesn> http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/example/38/
<jamesn> The example we are going to use to start writing techniques is 
example 38 - http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/example/38/

Regards, James

Oracle <http://www.oracle.com>
James Nurthen | Accessibility Lead
Phone: +1 650 506 6781 <tel:+1%20650%20506%206781> | Mobile: +1 415 987 
1918 <tel:+1%20415%20987%201918>
Oracle Corporate Architecture
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
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developing practices and products that help protect the environment

Received on Monday, 23 July 2012 20:32:29 UTC