Re: HTML-A11Y TF Text Subteam Request

Hi Leif

"So it seems that your demo from September 2010 [1] (in which you
claimed that IE9 implements the interactive canvas subtree "as per the
HTML5 specification") did not include the 'cut and dried' visible focus."

I never claimed that focus ring had been implemented only the ability
to navigate, interact and access the semantics of content in the

The example provides a demo of a pseudo focus ring that is displayed
when the links in the canvas subtree receive focus.

"Another thing with that demo is that you set the <canvas> to role=img.
Given that role=img means that the screen reader SHOULD see the element
as textually empty - including that it it "flattens" interactive
elements, that seems questionable, to me."

I no longer use role=img for interactive canvas

firefox does not map canvas to img as IA2 has a cnavas role.

"Btw, I found a demo that takes the opposite approach: Instead of
creating a interactive subtree, it places a transparent image map above
the canvas, with interactive image map spots above the interactive
regions of the canvas. [2] This seems like a useful technique for
making canvas accessible."

example from 2009

 "But I still wonder about aria-describedBY pointing to a invisible
region: If activation of describedBY's idref *reveals* - make visible -
that region, is there then a problem?"

it is not made visible by the additon of the describedby relationship


On 1 Apr 2012, at 15:00, Leif Halvard Silli
<> wrote:

> So it seems that your demo from September 2010 [1] (in which you
> claimed that IE9 implements the interactive canvas subtree "as per the
> HTML5 specification") did not include the 'cut and dried' visible focus.

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 12:56:37 UTC