3.2.4 Consistent Identification Technique

3.2.4 only has one sufficient technique. It says

1. Using consistent labels, names, and text alternatives for content that
has the same functionality.
   * H44: Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls
   * H65: Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the
label element cannot be used (HTML)

There is no technique for "using consistent labels, names, and text
alternatives for content that has the same functionality". The two HTML
techniques (44 and 65) just describe how to use label elements and title
elements. So there is no test procedure for determining if you have met the
success criterion.

There is a failure technique though that describes how to test for failure
of this success criterion.

Do we really mean to have a provision that we can't describe how to meet
but only how to fail?


Received on Thursday, 2 October 2008 04:33:07 UTC