Re: Question on <pre> and <code> - violation of 1.3.1?

On  5 Sep, Andrew LaHart wrote:

> Hi Tina, The <code> elements are not rendered on the page. As mentioned in
> my email:

  The problem you are referring to is a built-in flaw with screen
  "readers" - ie. they simply read the what is on the screen, and ignore
  the underlying structures.

  This isn't something which can be handled by changing the way
  documents are written, but ONLY in the way the AT work: it must look
  at the elements and structure before presenting the information.

  I am quite aware of the way quite a few ATs work today, but once we
  start down the "we gotta add something in visual content for them to
  pick up on" road we'll have pilcrows in front of every paragraph, and
  "**" wiki style in front of everything emphasized.

> The question is, if those tags are not visible nor readable by a screen
> reader, is this a failure?

  Yes - but it is a *tool* failure. All the information required is
  there. (Note: this apply to CODE, not PRE, in which care you are

 - Tina Holmboe       siteSifter                  Greytower Technologies
      Website Quality and Accessibility Testing

Received on Friday, 5 September 2008 15:01:40 UTC