Failure and Technique for CSS Generated Content

I think we need to address text content added via CSS, also called Generated Content.  By spec, this content does not get added to the DOM. So, it's not programmatically determinable.  I'd like to propose the following:

Failure of 1.3.1 due to adding information in text with CSS

CSS Technique:  Adding purely decorative text with CSS

Changes to F3:
F3: Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 <ins>and 1.3.1</ins> due to using CSS to include images that convey <del>important</del> information
Add example:  using CSS to add an icon next to links that leave the current site

We need to go through this spec [1] on CSS Generated Content, and decide what, exactly, should be allowed to be added through GC in a WCAG-compliant document, and put each example in either the failure or the technique.

For example, when is it ok to the following in a way that's not programmatically determinable:

* change list numbers
* add quotation marks
* add "Note:" before a element, or chapter before a header
* add icons
* change list bullets into icons
* change list bullets into a different decorative item
* add text using the content property, or the :before and :after pseudo-elements


Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 19:03:38 UTC