IMPORTANT - This week, survey but no meeting

Working group  members,

Because Teitac is conflicting with our usual teleconference for a
number of working group members, but we are striving to reach CR, we
are proposing a special process this week.

A survey has been posted containing proposals for responses on our
currently open Last Call items. Since we would like to continue these
dialogues  and reach resolution as soon as possible, we request that
you fill in the survey before our regular teleconference time:

Time: 20:00 UTC, 7 AM Eastern Australia, 10 PM Central Europe, 4 PM Eastern US
World Clock: <>

Survey: Miscellaneous Proposals for 3 April 2008

We propose that any issues for which there is unanimous consent, or
only editorial changes, will be ACCEPTED AS WORKING GROUP RESOLUTIONS
*this week only*. If you have any concerns about a proposal on the
survey and want to have it discussed in a meeting, please mark it "do
not accept this proposal".

If you object to this change in process, please let us know as soon as
possible. If there are any objections, we will not take any action
this week and the survey will be held as input to next week's

Loretta and Gregg

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 04:13:10 UTC