Re: Caption support for Asian languages


At 21:02 1/03/2007, Loretta Guarino Reid wrote:

>Sean Hayes, Makoto Ueki, and I took an action item to explore whether
>there is support for captioning in Asian languages. Our finding are
>summarized below.
>Thanks to Andrew Kirkpatrick and Makoto Ueki for most of this information.
>A. Multimedia formats and players:
>1. Flash:
>displays CJK (any Unicode)
>editors support creating CJK captions
>2. Windows Media Player:
>display big5 and other non-western languages

Big5 is for traditional Chinese. Did you also find details about 
support for simplified Chinese (e.g.
GBK/GB2312, GB18030 or HZ-GB2312) and Japanese? ("Other non-werster 
languages" sounds a bit vague, and a quick Google search doesn't help 
me either.)

Best regards,


>3. Real Player:
>displays big5 and other non-western languages
>"RealText Language Support
>RealText supports a number of languages, including English, Chinese,
>Korean, Japanese (Kanji), and many European languages. It can stream
>text in any language that can be written in one of its supported
>character sets, which are listed in the section "Specifying the
>Character Set". Each character set supports at least one font, as
>described in "Setting the Font".
>Note: Character set and font support is built into RealText. Therefore,
>RealText does not necessarily support all character sets and fonts
>supported by various Web browsers.  "
>has more detail.
>B. Caption authoring tools:
>(No Japanese versions of most of these authoring tools.)
>1. MAGpie:
>does ok. Andrew Kirkpatrick managed to get Japanese characters to display;
>Makoto was not able to get it installed and working successfully.
>2. HiCaption
>No information
>3. Captionate
>No information
>4. Ccaption
>No information
>5. Built in tool in Adobe Captivate
>Handles Japanese characters (and there is a Japanese version of the
>6. Built in tool in Deque RAMP repair tool
>Cannot handle Japanese characters
>C. General:
> From Andrew Kirkpatrick: Most of the content that is likely to be
>captioned online is done professionally.  If a tv show wants to put
>the show online, they've
>already worked with a CC firm, so the question is whether the big tools
>are capable of handling this, and the answer is absolutely yes.

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group 
on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 20:52:52 UTC