Re: Link Purpose

Hi Jim,

The text you're referring to is not a transcription error.

If you look at the sufficient techniques in the How to Meet documents 
for 2.4.2 and 2.4.8, you'll see that the use of the title attribute 
would be sufficient to meet 2.4.2, but not 2.4.8.

In other words, 2.4.2 requires that the purpose of a link be can be 
determined by the link text alone or by the link text in combination 
with supplementary information such as the content of the title 
attribute (refer to the definition of programmatically determined link 
context for additional examples).

In contrast, 2.4.8 requires that the purpose of the link can be 
determined from the link text alone.

Hope that helps,


Jim Thatcher wrote:
> In the current editors’ draft, both 2.4.2 and 2.4.8 refer to “the link 
> text” as in:
>>The purpose of each link can be determined from _the link text_ [and …]
> I think these should both refer to “the link” instead of “the link text.”
> Was this change a decision or was this an error in transcription?
> The change makes in /not obvious/ that the title attribute on the anchor 
> meets both of these success criteria; I assume it does.
> Jim
> Accessibility Consulting:
> 512-306-0931

Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2007 21:19:51 UTC