Re: [Bug 1793] xml report: outline

Hi Roberto

[outlining "missing" in markup validator]

1. Using or not using hx elements or using them in a "strange" way is 
not a validity issue (in the strict meaning) for HTML.

2. Even if you widen validity to something like specification 
conformance, AFAIK the HTML 4.01 spec has no requirements about using hx 

So why do you think it is a _bug_ for a markup validator, if the 
developers decide not to have this feature in the _validator_ itself?

3. If you think checking for "proper" use of hx elements is a 
requirement in some other domain, e.g. accessibility, why not use or 
create a tool that performs these tests?

Olivier Thereaux schrieb:

 > * however, we have a tool that does outlining, and more, and better:

So there is a tool that you can use now.

Roberto Scano (IWA/HWG) schrieb:
 > I think it was best to said: we don't want it in the new engine

Olivier Thereaux schrieb:

 > As a mid-term plan, we are working on the "Unicorn" tool, a universal
 > checker that aggregates observations from different tools. In that
 > perspective, it makes more sense to have separate tools that do one
 > thing and do it well, rather than try to cram every and any feature
 > into the markup validator, at the expense of its main task.

I read this as "there will be an outline check in the new aggregating tool".
Johannes Koch
Spem in alium nunquam habui praeter in te, Deus Israel.
                          (Thomas Tallis, 40-part motet)

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 09:57:10 UTC