FIELDSET and LEGEND - WCAG2 Conformance Example Files


> RE the second example - it does NOT necessarily fail.   You do not have to
> use the techniques specified.  You must avoid the failures, but you can
> use
> the techniques or any other method that meets the SC.    I didn't check
> whether the SC was met in this case - but the fact that the author didn't
> use a particular technique listed does not make a page fail.
The example file does not use any technique to associate a label with the
group of checkboxes (re SC 1.3.1). So would it fail level 1?

Other than using fieldset and legend, is there any way to create labels that
can be "programmatically determined" to be associated with a group of 


Received on Monday, 5 June 2006 16:04:41 UTC