RE: From SUN


 Comments below marked  GV:




From: Bailey, Bruce [] 
Subject: RE: From SUN

Imagine a Java applet with a fair sized text entry area or two.


GV: yes that would be the way to look at this.  


My question is this:  Could a Java applet could ignore (probably not
deliberately, but by accident of design) StickyKeys (or FilterKeys or
SerialKeys or SoundSentry) within the domain of the Java applet?  Or is the
VM wholly dependant on the OS to pass text?  Is a Java applet limited to
"key up" event handlers, or can it watch for "key down" (and thus possibly
prevent capitalization when StickyKeys is running on the OS)?


GV: my understanding is that it is completely dependent on the  OS to pass
text.  that is part of the 'security sandbox'.  StickyKeys etc are
implemented very low so that all apps pick them up.  So unless the
application was looking at timing of keyups and keydowns to specifically
identify modifier keys that were consistently pressed a give amount of time
before other keys and therefore must be done by machine or something -
(which means the company is using heuristics specifically designed to bypass
access features) I don't think it would be a problem.



I wasn't thinking about Alt-Tab not working when I raised this question.  I
am not worried so much about assistive technology being turned off.  I
remain still a little anxious about the potential for accessibility features
of the operating system to be ignored (which is what 1194.21(b) is about)
within the virtual machine.  Your contact at Sun may have considered this
aspect as well, but the answer you quote back doesn't address this concern.



GV:  Not sure what you mean by alt tab problem.   Do JAVA Applets prevent
you from alt tabbing to other programs?   Does alt tab work for real keys
but not StickyKeys?       If it doesn't work for either - then it isn't a
StickyKeys or access feature problem.  Only if it worked for real keys but
not StickyKeys.  I've not heard of that and am not sure how it could happen.
Have you seen that? 






-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Gregg Vanderheiden
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 11:40 PM
Subject: From SUN 

I asked Sun about the java applet question


Here is what they said.


"A Java applet cannot affect anything outside of the VM it is running in.

could have some affect on the web browser, to the extent the Java applet is 

still running.  Alt-Tab away, it should have no effect."


So it looks like a Java Applet can't override StickyKeys.   So no need to
add one for this.  


Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 17:54:48 UTC