RE: R: Congratulations !!

Maurizio Boscarol sent a Friday, November 25, 2005 7:03 AM message with
the topic "Re: R: Congratulations !!";

"If you go on thinking this kind of things can be done by law, I wish
you good luck, policeman."

I believe if there is a law, then in _can_ be enforced as required.

"Another thing I note is that I thought we should talk about the
relationship between well-formed, valid, or compliant code on one side
and accessibility (in theory and in real world) on the other."

I agree! While my official position involves dealing with the legal
requirement (Section 508) of accessibility, I feel strongly that the
code or content creation is where accessibility is best addressed - not
by having laws that don't help create. I know there is a relationship,
but expressed differently, if the content was always accessible a law
wouldn't be needed.

"We are doing technical requirements for products or processes, not
laws. Sad, but someone can't see the difference." 

There is a difference between standards and legal codes. However, most
legal codes reference a specification or standard since the standard
should embody the efforts of a community to come up with the best
practices and approaches that work for the most people. This is one
reason I try to respectfully debate these issues in this forum, before a
legal requirement is created by new code referencing a standard that
didn't take a lawmaker's point of view into account.

Don't give up! You and others help every time you focus on the positive
and try your best.  May we all grow wiser in the debate.


Norman Robinson

Received on Friday, 25 November 2005 15:10:25 UTC