Re: Process request on validity

On 06/11/05, Matt May <> wrote:
> The debate has caused the
> participants on both sides to become more deeply entrenched in their
> own positions, rather than trying to find middle ground.

Do you not feel this is a bit premature? It was only yesterday that
the Chair started the process of summarising both sides of the issue
with a view to finding middle ground. Surely we should at least allow
a couple of days for such an important issue, particularly as this has
fallen over a weekend? Asking for an issue that was raised late on a
Friday evening to be closed on the Saturday seems a bit harsh to me,
although I'm probably biased, as I don't have five or so years under
my belt to have made my opinions on this issue heard.

> I think that it is clear by now that all points of view have been
> carefully considered over the last five or so years I've been a part
> of the WG.

The ensuing debate isn't likely to derail the guidelines being
released. To date, there hasn't been consensus on this issue - at the
moment, guideline 4.1 is missing from the guidelines, so it does need
addressing. If consensus cannot be reached, which is looking likely,
what are you suggesting we move ahead with? A missing guideline? A
deleted guideline? Validity at priority 1? I was hoping that talking
about this issue openly with the group would ultimately save time, not
derail the process. At some point, this issue needs to be addressed,
and teleconferences are particularly slow. If we thrash the issue out
on the mailing list, it's likely that we would be able to find middle
ground; assuming, of course, that we don't just abandon the discussion
before it's started.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Sunday, 6 November 2005 06:38:40 UTC