RE: Validity

----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: "Andrew Kirkpatrick"<>
    Inviato: 04/11/05 16.27.06
    A: "Roberto Scano (IWA/HWG)"<>, ""<>
    Oggetto: RE: Validity
      > Roberto:
    > Yewùs but sorry, this is a vendor-technology and user agent 
    > issue, not a wcag issue.
    It is important for the group to decide whether it wants to operate in a vacuum or not. It is a WCAG issue if you want the document used.
Bob said clearly that is your/AT problem. WCAG should tell developers how to implement accessibility web contents.
Flash, imho, is like Java: an object with it's player that should be directly accessible.
 If i'm a flash developer and i work following your guidelines for make this object directly accessible i pretend that if i insert this object inside an html/xhtml page:
- the object don't damage my code conformance
- the browser, with your plugin installed, make contents accessible.
You instead are saying:
- we have developed this with embed
- at works well with this solution
- put invalid code and damage your page conformance

Received on Friday, 4 November 2005 15:44:07 UTC