Re: R: NEW: Issue #1544

On 13 Aug, Bob Regan wrote:

> content using Windows / IE / JAWS. Dropping the <embed> object will
> cause a significant use case to experience serious problems. At the

  No, not really; not as long as the *alternative* content is there and

  In the most generic terms possible: not every type of data that some
  author might want to embed in HTML will be perceivable by all users.

  We need to focus on how to best supply alternatives; not on how to
  ensure, come hell or high water, that everyone get the same content
  wrapped in the same way.

> I know this is going to get me more nasty emails privately...

  I would hope the participants on this list are more mature than to go
  after the man and not the ball. I'm sorry to hear that this isn't the

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Saturday, 13 August 2005 17:09:09 UTC