Re: R: NEW: Issue #1544

At 09:20 12/08/2005, Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG wrote:

>-----Messaggio originale-----
>Da: [] Per conto
>di Luca Mascaro
>Inviato: venerd́ 12 agosto 2005 7.27
>A: 'Joe Clark'; 'WAI-GL'
>Oggetto: RE: NEW: Issue #1544
>In all of the last generation of graphical browser the major multimedia
>format works also with object.
>We must hold a compatibility with the old browser even if we invalidate the
>code? Therefore we do not damage the futures browser?
>Roberto Scano:
>I Agree with you. Also in ATAG we have discussed this and the
>world-biggest-embed-user-company reply this:
>"The decision to rely on the <embed> element is an old one. I could just
>as easily turn this conversation around and decry the W3's decision to
>declare the <embed> tag invalid with looking at its most common uses.
>So, let's just stay constructive. "
>So, all the problem is that W3C hasn't insert a proprietary tag inside HTML
>DTD (sigh!).

I seem to remember that the work on HTML 3 and HTML 4 was to some extent driven
by the need to keep up with and take a stance on the proprietary extensions
that browser manufacturers had been introducing into 'HTML' (sometimes as part
of their marketing scheme for 'DHTML'). In fact, HTML 3.0 never became a
recommendation because it was overtaken by events (read: proprietary 
Netscape's frameset & frames is an example of a proprietary extension that
became part of the recommendation. Microsoft's embed was not accepted. If that
is a reflection of the power relations in the HTML WG at the time, your 
about Microsoft looks a bit funny.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

>Someone wanna use embed? Ok, use a custom DTD, but don't ask to develop a
>W3C Rec. That ask to violate another W3C Rec. Only for business issues.

Just to cross the t's and dot the i's: custom DTDs are fine, but *only*
for very specific backward-compatibility issues. We know these issues, so
we should name them instead of just mentioning them generally (as the
previous public WD did). After all, custom DTDs are not new; see for
example IBM's modified XHTML1 DTD at
(used until 2003 in their web accessibility guidelines). (There used to be an
SGML Catalog file at that referenced many 
examples.) We don't want to give every Tom, Dick and Harry a license to
invent new 'HTML 4 elements and attributes'.


Christophe Strobbe

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 

Received on Friday, 12 August 2005 08:59:37 UTC