Why is important require well-formed, validity and richness in XHTML by examples

Why is important require well-formin, validity and markup richness of a
XHTML document for accessibility?

Well Formed examples:
A webpage have a anchor (A) not closed, the anchor in any browser cause a
malfunctioning at the page.

Valididy examples (real case):
An Hospital develop a Java Web Start application for our patien. In this
application we have a module that permit the navigation on the web. This
module is based on J2SE DOM API and crashes when in a page a character not
respect the encoding.

Richness (potential case):
A browser use the type attribute of a link for exclude the pages that cannot
be visualized (ex: pdf pages without plugin)


Luca Mascaro

Received on Saturday, 18 June 2005 16:36:08 UTC