Re: About tests 37-41 (headers)

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Roberto Scano (IWA/HWG) wrote:

> Note that also this is good:
> h1 h2 h3 h3 h3 h1 h2 h3 h3 h2 h3 h3 h3 h1

This sequence also validates my XQuery expressions :-)

> H1 isn't page title and a web page isn't always like a book's chapter. 
> But i think that all we agree that we cannot have h2 without h1 or h2 
> h4.

I agree (and my XQuery expressions also).

Having no "h2 without h1" is just another way to say:

//h2[preceding::h1 = ()] = ()

On the other hand, having a "h2 h4" sequence breaks the following rule:

//h4[let $h4:=self::h4 return
let $h3:=$h4/preceding::h3[1] return
let $h2:=$h4/preceding::h2[1] return
let $h1:=$h4/preceding::h1[1] return
$h1=() or $h2=() or $h3=() or $h1>>$h2 or $h2>>$h3] = ()

So, I am happy to see that my rules work with your examples :-)


Vicente Luque Centeno
Dep. Ingeniería Telemática
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2005 15:34:36 UTC