RE: Re-post: Influence of valid code on screen readers

----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: "Robinson, Norman B - Washington, DC"<>
    Inviato: 15/06/05 16.03.50
    A: "Sailesh Panchang"<>, ""<>
    Oggetto: RE: Re-post: Influence of valid code on screen readers
      Just ensure that you aren't making accessibility tests secondary to
    valid code:
     It is not necessary! Section 508 is a legal requirement
    where valid HTML isn't always necessary because of the way user agents
    (web browser) work through invalid HTML. There is a role for document
    type and compliance level (strict) to play in this debate.
    That said, section 508 does not explicitly require valid HTML DOCUMENTS,
    but I would argue that to meet 1194.22(A through I, L, M, N, & O) are
    all performed using VALID HTML CODE. While it may be that not all HTML
    is valid in a given web page, you can be certain that if you try and any
    of the above accessibility standards are not met, it is because you
    tried to do so using invalid code (improper nesting, improper tags,
    etc.) or your software is defective. 
Section 508 is a federal law, applicable only in usa. In europe there is required level 2 AA, in italy we have as 1st requirement code conformance, also asking for apply dtd "strict": this means more separation for content/presentation and less checkpoints

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2005 15:51:45 UTC