Re: RE 3.1 proposal - first half

hello Gregg,

e.g. a base dictionary at the bottom,  with a specialized technical
> dictionary over and a company specific dictionary on top.

In Dutch many dictionaries are online available. also for language spoken in 
prisons or for thieves (Bargoens), taxes, cooking, cars ..we have so many 
expressions for things; an automate for getting money is mostly called the 
flappentap  a flap is paper money and tap is coming from beertap. we tap 
also money not only beer.  But the word is not in the current "green book", 
though everybody is using it.

The past months in Germany important  book publishers and important 
(international) papers have returned to the spelling before the spelling 
reform in the 90ties. They consider the new spelling too confusing.. it is 
possible that this old spelling can not  always found in  online 

Why should content of online media differ from printed/published media or 
refer to sources with complete different spellings ??? Is not that very 
confusing for everybody???

The working group is too American/English focused.. the world is much more 
than that.. and always changes in language are very usual in some countries. 
In the Netherlands the whole pronuncation is a bit changing

besides: Software for many sorts of diabilities is available, also for 
people with learning disabilies. about existing software 
for people with learning disabilies, This software including dictionaries, 
highlightening the line the person is reading with possibility coloring 
words in that line, speech software and predictions of words.
The video teaches also about  people who have problems with interpreting 
formulas and/or signs/icons/graphics.

Since prices have been nearly doubled in the Netherlands due to introduction 
of the Euro ( 1Euro = 2,2 gulden, but many shops/products changed only the 
word gulden in euro), and privatizing public services, life is so expensive 
that nearly nobody is prepared to do more than the clients ask.  So web 
designers who made their websites more accessible than the clients ask, are 
not doing it longer because this spent time brings no money for living.

And this also in more EU-countries. Also cities complain not being able to 
comply with the accessibity-laws because they say they don't have the money 
for it. That is simply the case in the whole EU and the situation will not 
become better, because the EU will be extended with 15 poor low wage 
countries which mostly belonged to the former sovjet sphere

And it is very easy to register a website in low wage EU- country, because 
coming European law tells that the law of the country in which the service 
is based, is the reigning law! The EU will become one big market space where 
services easily can travel from country to country.

i urge therefore make the guidelines not more complicated than for WCAG 1.0, 
only update the technology. Accessibility of many websites will decrease 
when the costs to comply to all these guidelines/requirements will be more 
than the existing wcag 1.0. And changing the existing accessible website for 
complying to wcag 2.0 will have a very low priority, probably for financial 
reasons mentioned above: none

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Friday, 27 May 2005 12:50:43 UTC