[minutes] 26 May 2005 telecon

Available at: <http://www.w3.org/2005/05/26-wai-wcag-minutes.html>

Summary of Resolutions

        Related to Guideline 3.1

    * *resolution*: not accept the proposal Level 1 SC3: A measure of
      the education level required to read the content is available.
    * *resolution*: use "programmatically determined" here. will
      consider other uses of "mechanism is available" at a later time.
      Adopt language: The primary natural language or languages of the
      delivery unit can be programmatically determined.
    * *resolution*: adopt proposed wording for Level 3 SC1 - A mechanism
      is available for identifying specific definitions of words used in
      an unusual or restricted way, including idioms and jargon. Issue:
      need to define tests for "unusual or restricted way"

        Related to Guideline 2.3

    * *resolution*: close issue 1323 with gv's comment
    * *resolution*: close issue 1386
    * *resolution*: do not add a new level 3 SC about notification and
      close issue 1167.
    * *resolution*: adopt Proposed wording Guideline 2.3 Allow users to
      avoid content that could cause seizures due to photosensitivity.

        Related to Guideline 2.2

    * *resolution*: adopt Proposed wording for Level 2 SC 2: Moving or
      time-based content can be paused by the user.
    * *resolution*: adopt Proposed wording for Level 3 SC 1: Except for
      real-time events, timing is not an essential part of the event or
      activity presented by the content. (clarify issues with
      differences between level 1 and this in the guide doc. e.g., a
      test that conforms to level 3 does not have a timeout)
    * *resolution*: adopt modification of current wording for Level 3 SC
      2 - Non-emergency interruptions, such as the availability of
      updated content, can be postponed or suppressed by the user.
    * *resolution*: since informative, discuss proposed new benefit (re:
      low computer literacy) on the list.

Summary of Action Items

    * *ACTION:* christophe look at comments on issue 1525 and write
      proposal to address.
    * resolution/*ACTION:* christophe rework proposal for Level 1 SC 1
      based on feedback
    * resolution/*ACTION:* christophe reword proposal for Level 2 SC 1
      based on feedback.
    * *ACTION:* john send updated guideline 3.1 with decisions from today
    * *ACTION:* john to take a pass at definition of what "mechanism is
      available" means

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2005 22:32:47 UTC