Re: RE: working definition of baseline

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 12:05:31AM -0500, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:
>   Then I don't think we should use baseline that way.  I suggest we talk
> about baselines as follows.
> To say that content conforms at a baseline - means that the content meets
> all of the claimed SCs if the user had a user agent that met the baseline
> (i.e. all baseline technologies were supported and turned on.   

I am also coming around to this point of view. While a more restrictive 
definition would be better from the standpoint of accessibility as it 
would require the content to conform only with the minimum set of 
technologies required to render it at all, this can easily be 
circumvented simply by writing the content in such a way that it 
excludes user agents that don't support my preferred technology. In 
effect, I can make a technology required, just by designing my content 
to break if that technology isn't present.

If this is right, then we are left with a definition roughly as follows:

Any minimum set of technologies assumed to be supported in and enabled 
by user agents for the purpose of evaluating conformance to these 

Comments? Suggestions?

Received on Monday, 9 May 2005 05:38:32 UTC