Re: [#899] Separate links with printable characters

Hi Becky,

> Home Page Reader does not say the work link but it uses
> a different voice (as both JAWS and WindowEyes can do). 
> Is this the issue?  If so, Home Page Reader can be modified 
> to say "link" before each link if that is desired.  Also, if the 
> user switches into link reading mode, each link is navigated to 
> and read separately.

The different voice for links is the issue I was referring to. I shouldn't have been so assertive in my statement about Home Page Reader, as I wasn't aware that it could be modified to say "link" before each link item.

I still maintain that adjacent links that happen to appear on a line break (a link on one line, and a completely different link on the next) is impossible to determine without further inspection such as navigating to the links with a keyboard, or hovering over the link with a mouse, unless you happening to be using an assistive device which will expose the links for you. Because of the number of variables in output, it would be impossible for a content developer to ascertain for definite that two adjacent links would not occur at a line break in free flowing text, so I would like to see this guideline kept in WCAG 2.

Best regards,


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IWA/HWG Member

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2004 21:23:34 UTC