Issues update [week of 23 August 2004]

New issues: 9 new issues were added to bugzilla this week.

1018    Proposed updated quick tips
1019    Divide WCAG 2.0 into guidelines (machine testable) and suggested 
best practices (human testable)
1020    Add 'border' to properties that do not need to change
1021    Refer to any blink effect if it might be uncontrollable?
1022    Use lists instead of div or span in example
1023    Summary of discussion w/John Gardner
1024    Text alternatives should be meaningful
1025    Text size
1026   Content for techniques, remove Gateway

We also received comments from Harvey Bingham but these have not been 
added to bugzilla yet.

No issues were closed this week.
43 issues were modified (including the 9 that are new)

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Saturday, 28 August 2004 01:09:09 UTC