WCAG2 Conformance Test Suite

Call for public comment.

This test suite is designed to determine if HTML web content complies with
the WCAG2.

It may be viewed at:

All of these tests are in draft form and are open to change. This test suite
has not been sanctioned by the WAI.

The suite is comprised of a series of atomic tests that check the
accessibility of HTML content. It will clearly describe all the HTML
accessibility problems that are covered by the WCAG2 and will be a clear
interpretation of the these guidelines.

This test suite applies to HTML/XHTML content only but it is anticipated
that other technologies will have test suites that test for conformance.

This test suite will be used to determine if HTML content complies with the

This test suite is based upon the Open Accessibility Checks [1]. It is also
closely related to the current WAI document, HTML Techniques for WCAG2[2].
Many of these tests were developed from discussions on the HTML techniques
that have appeared on this mailing list. This development has grown out of a
common goal between the software products Bobby (from Watchfire) and
A-Prompt (from University Of Toronto) to harmonize a series of accessibility
checks. The test files used in this test suite are based upon a series of
tests files created by Josh Krieger and Chris Ridpath that were part of the
Accessibility Tool Reviewer software project[3]. This work is also related
to the Accessibility Evaluation and Repair Techniques (AERT) document that
was produced for the WCAG1[4]. The test process format is based upon the
UAAG test suite[5].

The test suite is currently hosted by the Adaptive Technology Resource
Center (ATRC) at the University Of Toronto until a suitable place at the WAI
is found.

I hope this test suite generates public interest which helps to strengthen
the WCAG2. Each test in the suite still requires public discussion before it
is accepted and I look forward to your comments.

There are many contentious issues with this test suite and I think that
everyone in the working group, myself included, has some reservations about
such a tightly described conformance scheme. However, a clear mechanism for
testing conformance to the guidelines is demanded and I believe that the WAI
has a responsibility to tell the public what our guidelines mean.


[1] http://oac.atrc.utoronto.ca/index.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-HTML-TECHS/
[3] http://www.aprompt.ca/ATR/ATR.html
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT
[5] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/TS/html401/

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2004 17:31:23 UTC