Changes to guideline 2.4- proposal

For consideration:
Re G2.4: Facilitate the ability of users to orient themselves and move within the content. 
I propose changes to G2.4( as under:
a.  remove "[level 2 guideline]" following the statement of the guideline.
b. level 3 SC3 statement that deals with logical tab order be moved under  SC5 as an assertion. This will also remove the burden of testing for logical tab order. 
c. I note that need for "hierarchical  structure" and  "Breaking up text into logical paragraphs" have been addressed. 
Likewise, there should be an assertion    to say:
- list and data-tables have been used appropriately 
This should convey that all data that make up lists or tables have been represented   using such  structural mark-up and that they have not been used for formatting effects.
Lists and tables are  common markup like paragraphs and should not be deemed to be HTML specific.
d. The condition for 50,000 words or sites larger than 50 perceived pages should be done away with. The home page is 8769 characters  and is certainly accessible because it has markup to indicate hierarchical   structure in the content. The present SC suggests that such markup is unnecessary  for this spage. Even a page with 2500 characters can have  meaningful structural markup that makes it more accessible  than a similar page without it.
Sailesh Panchang
Senior Web Accessibility Engineer
Deque Systems

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Received on Monday, 9 August 2004 21:00:09 UTC