RE: Issues with guideline 4.2

Gregg writes:
1)  How about adding freely available.  Or generally

At least one [freely / generally] available version of a
user agent capable of accessing the content conforms, at a
minimum, to Level A of the User Agent Accessibility

Lee writes:
Personally I like the requirement of "freely".  It implies
that like IE, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, and others the AT
is free.  Why should we put financial burdens on those
that may not have the financial capabilities to acquire
software that costs over $2,000 USD?  Even in the USA, not
all State governments can afford to keep up with the
software purchasing requirements for the disabled
population.  Eventually, governments are going to either
stop purchasing the expensive software or change to a less
expensive option.

Lee Roberts

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 15:11:11 UTC