A question on bypassing a group of links


In http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/#group-bypass , map element was
used as an example of bypassing links (next example is scratcted from

     <MAP title="Navigation Bar">    
       [<A href="#how">Bypass navigation bar</A>]
       [<A href="home.html">Home</A>]
       [<A href="search.html">Search</A>]
       [<A href="new.html">New and highlighted</A>]
       [<A href="sitemap.html">Site map</A>]
     <H1><A name="how">How to use our site</A></H1>
   <!-- content of page -->     

However, map element is not be the only alternative (map is deprecated
in XHTML Basic 1.0). Should I use a div element instead? Is there any W3C
recommended way to acomplish this? Can I do my own?

What about these other (which is XHTML Basic 1.0 compliant?)

     <div title="Navigation Bar">    
       <span class="skip">
       [<a href="#how">Bypass navigation bar</a>]
       [<a href="home.html">Home</a>]
       [<a href="search.html">Search</a>]
       [<a href="new.html">New and highlighted</a>]
       [<a href="sitemap.html">Site map</a>]
     <h1><a id="how">How to use our site</a></h1>
   <!-- content of page -->     

and the following CSS rule:

.skip {display:none} /* for not no be shown in graphical browsers */


Vicente Luque Centeno
Dep. Ingeniería Telemática
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Received on Sunday, 4 July 2004 17:58:46 UTC