June 24, 2004 Decisions on 1.1

Here's the text we agreed on for Guideline 1.1 yesterday. I'll be sending
a summary of issues resolved by these changes later today.

Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text content.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

1. Text alternatives are explicitly associated with non-text content and
one of the following is true: (definition for explicitly associated is

 a. For non-text content that is functional, such as graphical links or
buttons, text alternatives identify the purpose or function of the
non-text content; or,

 b. for non-text content that is used to convey information, text
alternatives convey the same information; or,  

 c. for non-text content that is intended to create a specific sensory
experience, such as music or visual art, text alternatives
identify and describe the non-text content.

 d. non-text content that does not provide information or functionality is
marked such that it can be ignored by assistive technology.

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

1. For multimedia content, a text document (similar to a play script) is
provided that includes descriptions of all important visual information as
well as  transcripts of dialogue and other important sounds.

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>   

Received on Friday, 25 June 2004 13:47:50 UTC