Making room for exceptions (was: 1.1 suggestion)

Skipping through 14K of top-posted text here (I love Ph.D.s who can't 
run E-mail):

> In your formulation below - the first success criteria is that all non-text
> content have a text alternative.   Since this says `all' it means all
> non-text content including spacers, decorations etc.   other checkpoints are
> in addition to this - not instead of.

Let us all keep in mind a general exception that must be applicable to all
our guidelines: If the purpose of the page (section, site, resource,
document) is to teach the topic of accessibility itself, it may violate
the guidelines. Hence indeed not "all" content may be accessible.

It is easy to imagine giving correct and incorrect examples of accessible 
methods. We do that already. The incorrect examples, as Web content, would 
violate WCAG.

It is also easy to imagine entire online courses where full Web sites for 
imaginary companies are posted, with students expected to take the sites 
and fix them. Those sites, with deliberately-incorrect markup, would not 
be permitted without an exception.

I don't think that "scoping" is a good way to handle this. I suggest a 
clear and explicit exception.


    Joe Clark |
    Accessibility <>
    Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2004 13:50:04 UTC