[techs] Summary of techniques teleconference 02 June 2004


* Jim Thatcher
* Michael Cooper
* Wendy Chisholm
* Ben Caldwell
* Tom Croucher
* Jenae Andershonis
* David MacDonald
* Sailesh Panchang
* Lisa Seeman
* Becky Gibson


IRC log at http://www.w3.org/2004/06/02-wai-wcag-irc


* Michael: propose update to http://www.aprompt.ca/docs/WcagToTechs.html
that ties to specific success criteria. expect to have done by 4 June 2004
for discussion at next week's telecon.
* Wendy: summarize what we would like to take to pfwg as advice for html wg.
* Tom and Sailesh: write techniques for writing effective data table
* Wendy: to send review of css techniques

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 13:29:26 UTC