Structure of plain text (was: Issue 556 and 669

> For the according to spec. question, there is no spec that I know of by
> which one might mark up structure using plain text. 

There are in fact several specs that permit user agents to infer structure 
from plain text. One of them dates back to 1992.

For the various links, see the most-evolved format, John Gruber and Aaron 
Swartz's Markdown, which lets you convert plain text into valid XHTML or 
just leave it as readable text.


The existence and robustness of these systems challenges the notion that 
text needs to be marked up with characters that are invisible in final 
reading in order to be considered structured.


    Joe Clark |
    Accessibility <>
    Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Thursday, 27 May 2004 11:21:33 UTC