Proposed examples for Guideline 3.1 (mostly level 3)

In the "plain-language" rewrite of what used to Guideline 3.3 (now
Guideline 3.1 Level 3), I included a proposed revision of the examples.
The proposed changes apparently didn't make it into the 11 March Working
Draft.  I resubmit them here in response to Gregg's call for someone to
take an action item to suggest examples for 3.1.
These examples relate only to 3.1 Level 3, I think, so we'll still need
good examples for Levels 1 and 2.  I think we also need examples from
non-English languages and especially from non-Western languages and

<begin proposed wording for Examples of Guideline 3.1  (level 3)>

* Example 1: a description of a process.


A page describes how to learn to make a corner kick in soccer. Each step
in learning the fundamentals of the corner kick is illustrated with a
photograph of a player doing what is described in the text.


*        Example 2: A committee report with an executive summary


A government task force publishes its final report on the Web. The
report is very long and includes many tables, charts, and illustrations
as well as detailed recommendations. The home page for the task force
contains a 100-word summary of the report written in plain language.
Following the summary is a link to a Table of Contents where readers can
choose individual sections of the report.  There is also a link to the
full report.


* Example 3: a description of a complex natural event


A Web page discusses Mt. Pinatubo in the Phillipines. The page includes
a description of the 1991 eruption as well as photos of the eruption and
its aftermath. The page also includes a brief explanation of why
volcanoes erupt.  To clarify this explanation, , the page links to site
that contains video and another site that contains a 3D simulation of
what happened underneath the crust and within the volcano during the


[js note: I propose deleting the examples about the kid's school report
and the stock market graph.  The one about the school report isn't
substantively different in kind from Example 2-it just shows that doing
this kind of work can be child's play<grin>. The stock market data
example is almost identical to the bar graph example we use in 1.1 but
not nearly as fully developed.]


* Example 4: history of music.


A musicologist creates a Web site that includes examples of many
different types of music and musical instruments.  Descriptions of the
instruments are accompanied by photographs, drawings, or details from
paintings in which the instruments appear. When describing specific
types of music, the musicologist links to short audio clips that show
the music's characteristic sound.



*        Example 5: An explanation of a molecular process


A Web page for a university Chemistry course explains a molecular
process. The explanation uses symbols familiar to chemists. The
explanation is accompanied by an animation that shows a model of how the
process works. The page also includes a written narrative that describes
the process shown in the animation.  There is also a link to a
compressed audio file containing a recording of the narrative read by a
speech synthesizer.

</end proposed>







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Received on Thursday, 6 May 2004 09:19:11 UTC