Compliance Extra Level

The WCAG 2 has 3 priority levels plus an extra level of techniques for
special target groups.

I don't think this extra level is necessary. These techniques should be
placed in level 3 or dropped altogether.

Very very few sites strive for level 3 compliance. Level 3 is really for
marginal issues that almost nobody strives to achieve (the WAI site itself
only states level 2 compliance).

I see only 3 techniques in the current draft [1] that are marked as
deprecated and destined for the extra level:
1) Using FRAME targets
2) d-links
3) frame relationships

Why create a special category for these few items when level 3 already
exists for marginal issues? Do we really need a 'level 4' category?

If these techniques are useless then let's dump them. If they serve a
marginal purpose then let's make them level 3 with the rest of the marginal



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Caldwell" <>
To: "'WAI-GL'" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: D-links (was Conformance Testing Proposal)

> Though it still needs some work, note that this technique has already been
> identified as deprecated in the latest draft of HTML Techniques [1].
> One of the advantages of deprecating the technique (vs. removing it
> completely) is that it gives us an opportunity to explain to authors why
> are no longer recommending the use of d-link. As we expand the information
> in the techniques draft to include specific details about user agent
> for the longdesc attribute, this should help authors to understand which
> technique or combination of techniques is appropriate and leaves the door
> open for use of d-link when authors are specifically targeting support for
> older user agents.
> [1]

Received on Monday, 12 April 2004 09:49:50 UTC