[techs] Summary of Techniques teleconference 19 November 2003

Janae Andershonis
Ben Caldwell
Michael Cooper
David Donovan
David MacDonald
Chris Ridpath
Lisa Seeman


Web page testing - we discussed a thread that had started on the WCAG
mailing list about untestable success criteria, which overlaps greatly with
our work. Some of the success criteria are untestable because they lack an
algorithm, and our ability to create an algorithm might be part of the
definition of testability. Janae noted that the Open Accessibility Checks
Chris has been working [1] on might be "atomic tests" in the QA Glossary
[2]. We continued a discussion of whether these checks could become a
WAI-sanctioned way of validating and supporting WCAG 2.0, and had a lot of
questions. It seems that a recharted Evaluation and Repair Tools group would
be the place to take this work. Some of this discussion also raised
questions of mapping - between techniques and guidelines, and between old
and new guidelines.


Chris: follow up with group working on testable success criteria
Janae: summarize QA WG stuff so we can figure out how to plug into our work
Michael, Ben, David: map HTML techniques to current WCAG
Lisa: prepare draft of RDF techniques for December 10 telecon


[1] http://www.aprompt.ca/oac/
[2] http://www.w3.org/QA/glossary

--- Signature ---

Michael Cooper
Accessibility Product Manager, Watchfire
1 Hines Rd, Kanata, ON  K2K 3C7  Canada
Tel: +1 (613) 599-3888 x4019
Fax: +1 (613) 599-4661
Email: michaelc@watchfire.com
Web: http://www.watchfire.com/

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2003 08:33:03 UTC